Find the new sources of online information

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM132488894

Question: Identify at least 3 sources of online information and 3 sources of print information that could be used to obtain research information. Explain the research processes you would follow to find the new sources of online information and the new sources of print information.

Reference no: EM132488894

Questions Cloud

What were the cash proceeds received from the issuance : What were the cash proceeds received from the issuance of the note? Bentley Company issues a 10%, 6-year mortgage note on January 1, 2015
How many years must romeo wait to receive : How many years must Romeo wait to receive $85,000? (Hint: Use Table 3.) Romeo Cruz has been offered the opportunity of investing $49,086 now.
Discrimination under the the americans with disabilities act : Outline the prima facie case for discrimination under the the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), paralleled by section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitations
What rate of interest will andreas investment be earning : What rate of interest will Andrea's investment be earning for her? (Hint: Use Table 4.) (Round answer to 0 decimal places, e.g. 25%.)
Find the new sources of online information : Explain the research processes you would follow to find the new sources of online information and the new sources of print information.
Is cost allocation method can be time-based or activity-base : Is cost allocation method can be time-based or activity-base? What is the difference between these types of methods? What are some examples of each type?
Valid contract to buy p motorcycle : Advise R whether he has already entered into a valid contract to buy P's motorcycle.
What average rate did cedarbrook pay taxes : The company paid dividends of $10,000 and increased retained earnings by $23,770. At what average rate did Cedarbrook pay taxes?
Identify the main point or thesis of the key ideas : Summarize chapter presented during the week. Identify the main point (as in "What's your point?"), thesis, or conclusion of the key ideas presented.


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