Find the nash equilibrium in which both players produce

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM131087408

Micro Prelim Question - Summer 2008

Consider the classic Cournot model of quantity competition, with asymmetric marginal costs. Two firms i ∈ {1, 2} simultaneously choose production levels qi ∈ R+; each firm i produces those units at a constant marginal cost of ci per unit, and sells them at the market price, which is determined by the inverse demand function

P = max {0, 100 - q1 - q2}

1. Calculate firm i's best-response given a production level qj of his opponent. (Be sure to account for the cases where it is optimal to set qi = 0.)

2. Let c1 = 25 and c2 = 55. Find the Nash equilibrium in which both players produce, and calculate both firms' profits.

3. If firm 1 produced 45 units, firm 2's best-response would be not to produce at all. Calculate firm 1's profits in this event. Is it higher or lower than your answer to part 2? Is (q1, q2) = (45, 0) an equilibrium? Why or why not?

Now let G be any two-player simultaneous-move game, with strategy spaces Ai = R+ and payoff functions ui: Ai × Aj → R which are continuous and differentiable. Let G1 be a variation on the game G where player 1 moves first, then player 2 observes 1's action and moves second. (When G is the Cournot game, G1 is known as the Stackelberg game.)

4. Let BRi: Aj ⇒ Ai be player i's best-response correspondence for the game G, that is, BRi(aj) = arg maxaiAi ui(ai, aj). Show that if BR2 is single-valued (BR2(a1) is a singleton for every a1), then player 1's payoff in any subgame-perfect equilibrium of G1 is at least as high as his payoff in any pure-strategy Nash equilibrium of G.

5. Now suppose BR1 and BR2 are both single-valued. Show that if BR2 is weakly decreasing and u1 is weakly decreasing in a2, then player 1's strategy in any subgame-perfect equilibrium of G1 is at least as high as his strategy in any pure-strategy Nash equilibrium of G.

6. Let G be the Cournot game described above, with marginal costs c1 and c2, and suppose G has a unique equilibrium in which both firms produce strictly positive quantities. Show that the statements in parts 4 and 5 hold strictly: firm 1 produces strictly more in the Stackelberg game than in the simultaneous-move Cournot game, and earns strictly higher profits.

Reference no: EM131087408

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