Find the name of each trip containing the word pond

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132081365

You just need the SQL statements for these questions:

1. Colonial Adventure Tours calculates the total price of a trip by adding the trip price plus other fees and multiplying the result by the number of persons included in the reservation. List the reservation ID, trip ID, customer number, and total price for all reservations where the number of persons is greater than four. Use the column name TOTAL_PRICE for the calculated field.

2. Find the name of each trip containing the word "Pond."

3. List the guide's last name and guide's first name for all guides that were hired before June 10, 2013.

4. What is the average distance and the average maximum group size for each type of trip?

5. Display the different seasons in which trips are offered. List each season only once.

6. List the reservation IDs for reservations that are for a paddling trip. (Hint: Use a subquery.)

7. What is the longest distance for a biking trip?

8. For each trip in the RESERVATION table that has more than one reservation, group by trip ID and sum the trip price. (Hint: Use the COUNT function and a HAVING clause.)

9. How many current reservations does Colonial Adventure Tours have and what is the total number of persons for all reservations?

10. List the reservation ID and trip ID for all trips that occur in the month of July, 2016. There are multiple ways to create this query.

Reference no: EM132081365

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