Find the model that best explains

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131897689

Learning outcomes

The following learning outcomes will be assessed in TMA 02:

  • to identify and understand relationships within the data
  • to be able to design a quantitative research methodology to explore a finance research problem to conduct time series and cross-sections regression analyses
  • to be able to identify relevant theories in the finance literature and to test hypotheses
  • to be able to distinguish and choose amongst the range of methods available for the collection of evidence (data) and understand the characteristics of this evidence.


In this TMA, you will practise hypothesis tests on single variables as well as the design of multiple regression models and associated hypothesis tests. The data for this TMA are based on the World Economic Outlook (WEO) and it is similar to what you saw in Session 4 of Unit 5. The quantitative data you will use in this TMA are located in the file B860_17K_TMA02_dataset.xlsx. Table 1 describes the variables contained in this file.

Table 1. Codes and descriptions of the variables in the dataset

Variable Code            Description

PPPPGDPlog      Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) per capita GDP (natural logarithm), in current international dollars; 2015

GFCF                  Average total investment as percentage of GDP; 2010-2015

GOV_EXP           Average general government total expenditure as a percentage of GDP; 200-2015

TAXTOT             Average Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains, percentage of total tax revenue 2004-2014 NETMR      Average net migration rate per 1000 people, 2010-2015

REMIN                Remittances inflows as percentage of GDP, 2015

DCBFS                Domestic credit provided by financial sector as percentage of GDO, 2010-2015

TOTUN               Total Unemployment as percentage of total labour force, 2015 FDINI         Foreign direct investment, net inflows, 2015

INTU                   Internet users as percentage of total population, 2015

HDIAGR              Average annual HDI (Human Development Index) growth, 1990-2015 INEQIN  Inequality in income, 2015

SHSIT                 Share of seats in parliament held by women, 2015

AAPOPGR          Average Annual Population growth (natural logarithm); 2010-2015

SPPSE                Population with at least some secondary education, percentage ages 25 and older MRU5        Average mortality rate under 5 years per 1000 live births, 2010-2015

CC                      Country name as identification variable

CO                      The continent on which the country is located

Question 1

Descriptive statistics

Produce a table with the mean, median, minimum, maximum, standard deviation and skewness for the following variables in this dataset: PPPPGDPlog, GFCF, GOV_EXP, TAXTOT, and NETMR. One constraint applies to your calculation of the mean, standard deviation and skewness: You are not allowed to use the Data Analysis Toolpak in Excel or any of these functions: stdev.p, stdev.s, stdeva, stdevpa, stdev, stdevp, skew.

Question 2

Group differences

Compare GDP per capita (PPPPGDPlog) for three groupings of countries. Define three pairs of country groups as follows:

- Split by continent: European countries vs Asian countries.

- Split by name of the country: Countries beginning with letters A-L vs countries beginning with letters M-Z.

- Split by median of inequality in income (i.e. INEQIN): find the median of the variable and select all countries below and equal to the median in the first group and all countries above the median in the second group.

Do you expect a group difference for the mean logarithm of GDP per capita in these comparisons? Why or why not?

Apply an appropriate test to assess whether the mean logarithm of GDP per capita is different between the two groups in each of the above grouping.

Question 3

Interpretation of multiple regression

Table 2 shows the results for a regression of GDP per capita (log) on six variables at the country level.

Table 2. Regression of GDP per capita on country characteristics



 Regression Statistics

Multiple R


R Square


Adjusted R Square


Standard Error

























Significance F























Standard Error


t Stat




Lower 95%


Upper 95%







































































You are required to:

a. Write down the estimated equation for the model estimated in this regression.

b. Interpret the results also in terms of relationship between dependent and explanatory variables. Does the model explain GDP per capita? Which variables explain GDP per capita? Which do not?

c. Look at the graph below about the residuals versus fitted Y. For which assumption of the linear model is this graphical analysis used? Do you think that this regression output violates this specific assumption or not? Justify your answer.

1005_Regression output.jpg

d. Find the countries with the largest positive and negative residuals from this regression (e.g., using the dataset in combination with the regression results). How can you interpret the large residuals shown by these two countries?

Question 4

Finding the best fit

a. Find the model that best explains GDP per capita (log) and which only uses explanatory variables that are significantly different from zero. Select variables from the dataset B860_17K_TMA02_dataset.xlsx as appropriate and justify the approach you take to arrive at the best model.

b. Explain whether you think the estimated coefficients in this model provide a recipe to increase a country's GDP per capita.

Attachment:- Dataset.rar

Verified Expert

In this assignment, student asked us to do only calculation part of the task. Q1 and Q2 requires calculation whereas Q3 is the explanation which he mentioned in the mail as he will do by himself. please read the requirement.

Reference no: EM131897689

Questions Cloud

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4/19/2018 6:33:35 AM

Where is the solution of question 3 and 4? no. i just need bullets. dont need any words. Give me the bullets for 3 and 4. Ok, please do this as I need to submit it today itself. The writer has to completed the question 2 between Europe and Asian countries. In 2nd question it says. "Apply an appropriate test to assess whether the mean logarithm of GDP per capita is different between the two groups in each of the above grouping". Please ask her to answer the question and 3 completely as discussed over the chat. Please confirm for q4as well. Are you giving me atleast q2 and 3 properly written? Anyway ask her to write the proper answer for 2 and 3 in the word file. and attach excel for third question as well. Thanks. No. Jut give me q2 and 3 properly done. its 7 here. just 2more hours u got. I need to submit my work today. In how much time can i receive the work?


3/12/2018 3:47:23 AM

The word limit for this TMA is 2500 words. Due to the nature of the assignment and inclusion of a spreadsheet for part of it, answers may be considerably shorter than this limit and still attract full marks if they succinctly address all parts of the question. A good strategy would be to answer the questions first and then only worry about the word limit if you exceed it. Tutors are advised to only mark up to 2750 words (i.e. the word limit plus 10%). Work beyond that will not be given any marks. Content in the spreadsheet will not be included in the word count, but you should only include essential text in the spreadsheet, with your written explanations being in the document and referencing the spreadsheet. The eTMA system will only accept one file, so you will need to create and then upload a .zip file that contains your answer file (usually a Word document) and your workings in an Excel spreadsheet. There is a brief guide to creating a zip file here and more detailed guidance here.


3/12/2018 3:47:11 AM

Hi, Please see the question properly with all the data sent and attachments. I do not need the words but calculations. Only if you are sure you can deliver the right solutions, do accept the work. Lately, the writers accept the work without looking at the whole sheet and later are unable to meet the deadline. Please ask the writer to accept the work only if doubly sure to complete the work in given time. Submit an Excel spreadsheet that shows your workings along with your main answer file. For example, if you are using several regression models in Question 4, please show and explain the important steps that enable the reader to follow your logic when working towards the solution.

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