Reference no: EM133302907
Assignment: COVID-19 is a sickness that affects the respiratory system and can potentially cause severe respiratory distress and mortality. Direct contact with an infected person's blood, saliva, or other respiratory secretions can spread the COVID-19 virus from person to person. Contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions, such as blood, saliva, or mucus, can also spread the virus to other people. The virus can also be spread through contact with an infected individual's respiratory secretions like blood, mucus, or saliva. A fever, cough, and shortness of breath are the most common signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The virus can also be transmitted from one person to another by contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions, such as blood, saliva, or mucus. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The virus can also be spread through contact with respiratory secretions, such as saliva, mucus, or blood, from an infected person. COVID-19 is diagnosed by taking a patient's symptoms, medical history, and the effects of many tests. The virus may also be passed from person to person by contact with respiratory secretions, such as blood, saliva, or mucus, that an infected individual produces. The diagnosis of COVID-19 is reached by considering the patient's symptoms, medical history, and test results. The results of these tests may aid in deciding the severity of the condition and whether the individual has pneumonia. On the other hand, this condition may cause severe respiratory sickness, pneumonia, and even death in certain patients.
Question: Find the keywords in the passage