Reference no: EM131377441
Individual Assignment
Your Individual will be assessed on four aspects of the assignment:
- MYOB Assignment:
- MYOB Work Activity Report:
- Prepare Job Claim Statement and Resume and
- Individual presentation based on MYOB assignment:
Students should tenon the progress of their MYOB assignment to the tutor by showing the completed chapters or pasts of the MYOB assignment to the tutor in week 6.
MYOB Assignment is uses the Case and the Data of the Wendy Pabst & Brian Perrin (2011). Accounting With MYOB 19, 1st Edition. Cengagc Learning. Australia. Please note that it is a large activity, taking up to 40 study hours to complete over many days or weeks.
Please ensure you leave yourself enough time to complete this activity before its submission deadline:
- Buy MYOB book.
- Find MYOB software CD the inside of the back cover page of the Page book for Window Operation System or get "AccountEdge"
MYOB software from KOI library for Mac Operation System.
You can also download both trial versions from
- Install MYOB software to your computer.
Read the chapter 1. create new data file in chapter 2 and follow the instructions from Chapter 2 to Chapter 10 of the book. When you try to create company data file, disregard the serial number request of the MYOB software. As the MYOB software is a trial version. you do not need to enter the serial number.
Please follow the instructions of the book except for the followings of Page 13 of Chapter 2:
- Company Name: Put Your Student Full Name
- ABN: Put 316 plus your student number (should be 11 digit)
- Address: Your Address
- Phone Number: Your Phone Number
- Fax Number: Blank
- Email Address: Your Private Email Address
- Current Financial Year: 2012
- Last Month of Financial Year June
- Conversion Month: April
- Number of Accounting Period
Special care should be taken while entering the accounting year 2012) and conversion month (April, as this cannot be changed later on. MYOB assignments especially asks for a particular conversion month. Student should choose that conversion month(April 1 only.
When you finish each chapter. please print the report: specified in the book. compare the results of the your printed reports and the results of reports of the book and sign at the bottom of each printed report as an evidence of completing the comparison of two reports before starting the next chapter. If two results of the reports are different. you should mark the different results on your printed reports, analyse the difference and write down the possible reasons of the difference.
- You should also make the each chapter back-up based on version control full back up method, using the back-up method explained during the class or below:
- We assume you completed chapter 2 and start chapter 3: click file and exit on the 11108 command centre, then 3E108 display-do you wish to back up?" message. Please click -.Voft and make the file name ".sturname02" such as Richard Chang 02"
- When you try to start chapter 3. find the Richard Chang02. myo file and copy the file in the same directory. Ibu can find TWO files such as Richard Chang02. myo and Richard Chang02copy. myo
- Click the Richard Chang02copy. myo. click the right button on your mouse and rename the Richard Chang02copy myo to Richard Chang 03.myo
- Open Richard Chang 03.myo and start chapter 3 and repeat the above procedures again when you start new chapters. At the end you should have 9 back-up files
7. The assignment should include one title page and 9 chapter caner pages (chapter 1 to 101 in front of the printed repent of each chapter. and be tied tightly by binding or using plastic folders. Please do not forget to write your student number. name and course on the title page.
MYOB assignment is due by Week 10. Students submit both the paper-printed version and the USB stick to contain 9 MYOB assignment files (-.%1Y0).. If student does not submit the USlI to contain 9 MYOB 1-NYO) files. the ponied version will not be accepted or 20% penalty of total available mark will apply to the assignment.
9 When students submit the paper-printed version to the lecturer, the lecturer will ask validation questions to the student to cheek whether the submitted MYOB assignment is the student own work or not.
Common Mistake
- One of the most common errors is to enter the date in correctly. Though the student does not have any intension to enter the date in correctly it can happen. 11108 by default enters the current date. However the accounting 31108 assignment has transaction dates which relates to 2012. So this is a trap for the student and it is nay likely that a wrong date is entered Thus student should double check the date before entering it in to the system.
Go to the DATE SETTING on your computer to see thefennel of the date. Ensure that this is In the format DATE-MONTH-YEAR. If it is not in this format, then you. hould change the. etting to this format, or else remember that it is not in this format. before entering any information. A common problem for students is assuming that the date setting on their computer will be DAY-MONTH-YEAR. However, it mar be set as MONTH-DAY-YEAR and finding that transactions attempting to be entered on 13/7/2009 will not be accepted. Li the first students know that their computer is set to the date setting MONTH-DAY-YEAR. At that stage there is no alternative burro start over again. losing all transactions entered To set your computer so that DATE-MONTH-YEAR date format are used for your format-1101M go to Control Panel and then to Regional and Language Options and change to DATE-MONTH-YEAR date formal I To set your computer. o that dollars are used for your transactions, go to Control Panel and then to Regional and Language Options and change to DOLLAR (Australian format)
Enter opening balances as positive numbers. Don't, for example. enter your liability account balances as negative numbers. Enter negative amounts only if accounts truly have negative balances. As a rule, these will be asset accounts that record accumulated depreciation. For example you have to enter the opening balance of the trial balance (page 271. The trial balance has two columns (debit and edit) The. cree of MYOR balance has one column. Please enter -275, 4,410, -3830. -11,940 in asset category and also enter -3.790-21,500 in liability categoos Please refer to 3rd, 4th and 5th paragraphs of page 26 for detailed explanation.
- When you creating Purchase or Sales invoices in MYOB, there is a tick box asking you whether the invoice is Inc. or Eve. GST, also when loading in price for products. it is another common mistake for students to forget to tick or untie& the in the tick box, based on the information of the book.
You have entered an invoice twice in MYOB and closed both of them. You need to find our how to delete one of them. )bu are finding it difficult because its already closed. Have to delete the payment that dosed the invoice first. ifyou are looking at the invoice click on history then delete the line entry that has the payment that closed the invoice. Once you delete the payment. you will be able to delete the invoice.
MYOB Work Activity Report
You have to provide an individual work report on how you have worked to produce your MYOB assignment. Major pan of your individual report is to practice "Audit Around the Computer Approach' and to prepare report. "Audit Around the Computer approach" is more often known as black box audit approach.
In your MYOB assignment, you enter input data in to the MYOB software based on the source documents (input) of the book. print the outputs (the reports) generated by MYOB software and then compare the printed outputs with the outputs of the book. If two results of the two reports are different, you should reconcile the different results
Periodic information such as starting. ending and printing dates of each chapter entries must be inserted into the correct section in chronological order, including causes and solutions of the problems. Particularly when you finish each chapter. please print the 'puns specified in the book and compare the results of the your printed reports and the results of reports of the book . If two results of the two reports are different, you should reconcile the different results on your printed reports and write down the possible reasons in your report.
The final report should use an appropriate business report format and should include a detailed description on (Times new Roman 12 point):
a. progress based on time spent on each chapter:
b. any issues or problems that have occurred or been managed in each chapter, including details of what the issues or problems (if there are difference between two results of the report produced by you and the report of the book, analyse the difference and write down the possible reasons ofMe different). how have been dealt with them and what have been done to fix the issue or the problems (how to reconcile the difference/.
c. your achievement in your MYOB assignment
d. what work is planned for the next 1 months in mastering MYOB software.
JOB Claim Statement ()
The following document are required and attached :
1. Printed job advertisement you applied for
2. Job claim statement (lob Claim Statement is different from lob Application Corer Letter.)
3. Resume
4. Confirmation email from your applied JOB advertiser
Find the job advertisement related to MYOB from www.catecrone.contau or uww . The advertisement will provide an overview of the position. information on how to apply and a closing date for applications. You may contact the employer and get the position description to contain a more in depth description of the position and to include details of the selection criteria required to successfully undertake the position.
Alter analyzing the job advertisement. prepare the job claim statements of no more than throe pages outlining your motivation and suitability for the role. addressing the selection criteria individually. Addressing the selection criteria provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your key strengths by providing examples from past experiences to show how you meet the requirements of the position.
The most important aspect of addressing selection criteria is to provide evidence through relevant examples. Support your claims with actual, specific examples of what you have done and how well you did it. One way to do this is to use the STAR model:
1. Situation: Outline a specific circumstance where you developed the pankular experience or used the required skills or qualities. Set the context of the situation.
2. Task: What was your role? What did you have to do?
3. Action: What did you do and how did you do it?
4. Result: What did you achieve? What were the results of what you did?
1. use clear language with specific and relevant examples from your current or past employment (paid or unpaid). study. extra-curricular activities or other experience.
2. quantify your experience or skills if you can. e.g. 'three years experience in creating monthly budgets using Microsoft Excel:
3. if an example applies to a number of selection criteria, include it under each separate criterion.
4. remember you are limited to a maximum of 500 words for each selection criterion