Find the ids of instructors

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133218152

Solve the following questions using Oracle. You are not allowed to use the syntax of any DBMS other than Oracle.

1. Find the ids of instructors who are also students using a set operation. Assume that a person is identified by her or his id. So, if the same id appears in both instructor and student, then that person is both an instructor and a student. Remember: set operation means union, intersect or set difference.

2. Find the ids of instructors who are also students using the set membership operator.

3. Find the ids of instructors who are also students using a set comparison operator.

4. Find the ids of instructors who are also students using the exists construct.

5. Find the names and ids of the students who have taken all the courses that are offered by their departments. Notice, the table course contains information about courses offered by departments.

6. Find the names and ids of the students who have taken exactly one course in the Spring 2010 semester.

7. Find the names and ids of the students who have taken at most one course in the Spring 2010 semester. Notice, at most one means one or zero. So, the answer should include students who did not take any course during that semester

8. Write a query that uses a derived relation to find the student(s) who have taken at least two courses in the Spring 2010 semester. Schema of the output should be (id, number_courses). Remember: derived relation means a subquery in the from clause.

9. Write a query that uses a scalar query in the select clause to find the number of distinct courses that have been taught by each instructor. Schema of the output should be (name, id, number_courses).

10. Use an outer join to find names of the instructors who never taught any course.

11. Solve a query that uses the with clause or a derived relation to find the id and number of courses that have been taken by student(s) who have taken the most number of courses. Schema of the output should be (id, number_courses).

Reference no: EM133218152

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