Find the height of the ball at any two values of time

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM131029045

When a ball is thrown up into the air, it makes the shape of a parabola. The equation S= -10t^2 + v*t + k gives the height of the ball at any time, t in seconds, where "v" is the initial velocity (speed) in meters/sec and "k" is the initial height in meters (as if you were on top of a tower or building).

Make up a scenario where a ball is thrown, shot, etc. into the air. You can choose any initial velocity (in meters/sec) and any initial height (in meters) of the ball, but include them in your written scenario. The ball can leave your hand, the top of a building, etc. so you can use many different values for the initial height.

Insert the chosen values for "v" and "k" into the formula listed above.

Use the formula to find the height of the ball at any two values of time, t, in seconds that you want. Show your calculations and put units on your final answer!

Provide a written summary of your results explaining them in the context of the original problem.

Please make sure that your answers make sense!

If your answer is negative, that means the ball already hit the ground, so choose a smaller value for time.

Think about a ball going up into the air, you might throw it or put in a cannon. If you throw a ball up into the air, it will not end up being 800 meters in the air if it leaves your hand at 5 meters. Therefore, you would need to adjust your initial velocity. You may want to research initial velocity (speed) to figure out what seems reasonable! (ex. Your 5 year old cannot throw a ball into the air with an initial velocity of 300 meters/sec).

Do not use the same values for "v" and "k" as another student in the class.

Reference no: EM131029045

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