Find the headquarter of the organization

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1330259

Consider the organization (Fed Ex). Integrate the concepts and operations management principles that you've been studying in this module and turn in your two to four page paper addressing the following questions :

1) What process strategy (from the four process strategies) is applied in that organization?

2) Where is the headquarter (or distribution center) of the organization? Are there any benefits locating there? If you could choose, where would you choose?

Process Stratagies:

Process Focus

Repititive Focus

Product Focus

Mass Customization

Reference no: EM1330259

Questions Cloud

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Words might appear multiple times in the entered text : write down a program that allows the user to enter a line of text. I then need to use the stringTokenizer to break the input into words. I have to Put these words into a link list and then print them out in alphabetical order.
Explanation of the leadership style in wellness program : Identification and explanation of the leadership style that you will use to make sure that employees continue to participate in the wellness program.
Find the headquarter of the organization : Find the headquarter of the organization?  Are there any benefits locating there? If you could choose, where would you choose?
Explain e-commerce site plan structure : Explain E-Commerce site plan structure and Populate A-F as much as possible with like planning of most any other online business
Bankruptcy law questions : Define bankruptcy. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the client filing bankruptcy
Explain electronic human resource management : Electronic Human Resource Management - Explain electronic human resource management and indicate its implications for five HRM practices.
How to make an html file to run the program : Write down a program that draws four rectangles in an applet. make an html file to run the program. Do not be concerned if part of the rectangle is "off" the screen.


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