Find the generic server in the end devices selection box

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Reference no: EM132087974


Packet Tracer - Connect and Configure IoT Devices to a Registration Server for a Smart Office

1. Download file named Registration server Packet tracer

2. Save the file as StudentID_Firstname_ITC560.pkt

3. Add a registration server and set it up for IoT network

i. Add a registration server

a. Place the Generic server onto the workspace.

b. Find the Generic server in the End Devices Selection box and drag it to the workspace (Select End Devices-> Generic Server)
ii. Connect the Registration Server.

a. Using a Copper Straight-Through cable, connect the server to the
Wireless Router through the cable internet and cable modem.

iii. Enable the registration server service.

a. Click the Registration Server in the workspace to open the Registration Server configuration window. Click the Services tab and then click the IoT service in the left pane. Click the "On" button to enable the service.
iv. Configure the registration server.

a. Click the Config tab. In the Global Settings window change the Display Name to StudentID_Name_IoT Registration Server (Your studentID and your name followed by Registration Server) and change the DHCP/DNS IPv4 setting from the default Static to DHCP.
b. Verify that the server has received an IPv4 address from the Home Gateway by clicking the Desktop tab and then the IP Configuration icon.(My server IP address is, yours could be different). Please note your IP address for your server. Close the Registration Server window.

4. Register Tablet to the Registration Server

i. Click the Tablet icon to open the Config tab. Select Wireless tab from left. Enter OfficeNetwork for SSID. Then select WPA2-PSK and enter PSK Pass

Phrase as Student ID. AES is automatically chosen for Encryption. If not select AES from drop down menu.
ii. Click the Web Browser icon in the Desktop tab. Enter the IPv4 address of the Registration Server in the URL box and then click Go.
iii. Because there is no IoT account created yet, one will need to be created. Click the Sign up now option.
iv. Select a username(Your StudentID) and password (Your Student ID) and then click Create to create the IoT account.(It is a must only your studentID should be chosen for both username and password)
v. No devices show up under the URL box as we have not set up IoT Server - Devices window there are no IoT devices listed. This is because all the devices are still registered with the Home Gateway.

5. Set up Wireless Router at office

i. Select Config tab then Settings tab on the left. Set Display Name as StudentID Wireless Router.
ii. Select Wireless tab from left. Enter OfficeNetwork for SSID. Then select WPA2-PSK and enter PSK Pass Phrase as Student ID. AES is automatically chosen for Encryption. If not select AES from drop down menu.
iii. Follow 6.ii for all end devices (IoT) connected to the wireless router.

6. Configure the Smart Devices to register with your Registration Server.

i. Click the Device icon in the workspace to open the device configuration window
ii. Click the I/O Config tab-> Network Adapter->choose PT-IOT-NM-1W(This is a wireless network adapter).
iii. Next Config tab.

a. Select Wireless tab from left. Enter OfficeNetwork for SSID. Then select WPA2-PSK and enter PSK Pass Phrase as Student ID. AES is automatically chosen for Encryption. If not select AES from drop down menu (As in 6.ii).
b. Select Setting tab from the left under the Config tab. Set
Display Name as Smart Device. Set Gateway/DNS IPV4 to

DHCP. Change the IoT Server type from Home Gateway to Remote Server. Enter the IP address of the StudentID_Name_IoT Registration Server and the IoT account Username (Student ID) and Password(Student ID) created
.Next, click the Connect button. Once connected you will see Refresh button.

iv. Now do step 5.i, you should be able to see the device listed under your URL once you log in with username StudentID and password StudentID.

Attachment:- Case Study.rar

Verified Expert

The assignment was about designing and development of a Smart Office for Ingenious Design and Solutions Company. In the assignment, I configured Sydney offices with IoT devices where the devices can be controlled by use of a browser. Ingenious Design and Solutions Company has two offices, one in Sydney and another in Bathrust, the IoE devices can be controlled whether in Bathrust of Sydney.

Reference no: EM132087974

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10/27/2018 3:12:19 AM

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8/16/2018 11:59:56 PM

subject name is internet of things i will provide you passwords to access websites.this assignment only can done by using cisco packet tracer. To complete this assessment item, you need to complete the Introduction to Packet Tracer course


8/16/2018 11:57:38 PM

Take screenshot of every step Explain every step like report USE STUDENT ID when you you configure any device Plagiarism must not exceed 10% You MUST use the CSU APA referencing style for all cited material you have used in your work (use in-text citations). You must use primary sources (ie Wikipedia is not acceptable, something you thought up yourself, because you think you know better, is also unacceptable - unless it has been published and peer reviewed, but then it would still need to be cited). All answers must be written in your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct.


8/16/2018 11:56:40 PM

Your assessment should be submitted in MS Word. Do not submit your assignment in any other format and also do not submit multiple copies of the assessment. Use A4 page size with Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri font and use font size 11 or 12. Please include a title, your student ID and name with your submission. Your name should also be included as a footnote, with page numbers in your document.


8/16/2018 11:56:33 PM

Simulation and Real time IoT Office Network Complete understanding of all IoT devices simulated with both simple and complex PDU. Screenshots explaining all steps. Comprehensive understanding of all IoT devices simulated with both simple and complex PDU. Screenshots explaining all steps. Good understanding of all IoT devices simulated with both simple and complex PDU. Only some screenshots explaining steps. Partial understanding of IoT devices simulated with both simple and complex PDU. Few screenshots explaining all steps.


8/16/2018 11:56:26 PM

Criteria HD DI CR PS Packet Tracer Basics Complete understanding and able to implement all steps. Screenshots explaining all steps. Comprehensive understanding and able to implement all steps. Screenshots explaining all steps. Good understanding and able to implement all steps. Some screenshots explaining all steps. Some screenshots missing. Partial understanding and able to implement all steps. Few screenshots explaining all steps. Set and Configure IoT Devices Complete understanding of all IoT devices, able to set, configure and implement all devices. Screenshots explaining all steps. Comprehensive understanding of all IoT devices, able to set, configure and implement all devices. Screenshots explaining all steps. Good understanding of all IoT devices, able to set, configure and implement all devices. Only some screenshots explaining steps. Partial understanding of IoT devices, able to set, configure and implement all devices. Few screenshots explaining all steps.

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