Find the fourier transforms

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131284553

Section 5.1

5.1. Use the definition of the Fourier transform (5.1) to find the transform of the following time signals:

(a) f(t) = (1 - e-bt)u(t)
(b) f(t) = A cos (ω0t + Φ)
(c) f(t) = eatu(-t), a > 0
(d) f(t) = Cδ (t + t0)

5.2 Find the Fourier transform for each of the following signals, using the Fourier integral:

(a) x(t) = A[u(t) - u(t - b)]
(b) x(t) = e-t[u(t) - u(t - 5)]
(c) x(t) At[u(t) - u(t - b)]
(d) x(t) = 3 cos (3Πt - rect(t/3)

Section 5.2

5.3. Use the table of Fourier transforms (Table 5.2) and the table of properties (Table 5.1) to find the Fourier transform of each of the signals listed in Problem 5.1. Do not use th Fourier integral (5.1).

5.4.. Use the table of Fourier transforms (Table 5.2) and the table of properties (Table 5.1) to find the Fourier transforms of each of the signals in Problem 5.2.

5.5 The Fourier transform of 13 cos(coot) is given in Equation (5.11). Derive the Fourier transform of 2 sin( lot) using:
(a) The differentiation property.
(b) The time-shift property.

5.6. Prove mathematically that the following properties of the Fourier transform described in Table 5.1 are valid:
(a) Linearity
(b) Time shifting
(c) Duality
(d) Frequency shifting
(e) Time differentiation

5.7. Find the Fourier transform of the following signals:

(a) x(t) = sinc2t
(b) x(t) = e-4|t|
(c) x(t) = sinc(at/2)
(d) x(t) = 4/(4-jt)2

5.9. Find and sketch the Fourier transform of the following time-domain signals.

(a) Ae-βt cos ( ω0t)u(t), Re{β} > 0
(b) 6 sinc(0.5t)
(c) A sin(ω1t) + B cos(ω2t)
(d) 3 rect[(t - 2)/6]
(e) 4 sin(50t)[u(t) - u(t - 2)]
(f) 6tri[(t - 3)/4]
(g) 9 sinc2(12t)

5.11 Given

e-|t| ↔ƒ 2/(ω2 +1)

find the Fourier transform of the following:

(a) d/dt.e-|t|

(b)1/2Π(t2 + 1)

(c) 4 cos(2t)/(t2 +1)

Attachment:- fourier 5.11.rar

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This is an assignment about fourier transform. where some functions are given, and it is required to calculate. in some cases data fetching from table is done. other case derivation is done.

Reference no: EM131284553

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11/21/2016 7:21:29 AM

he zip file has pictures of the questions that i need you to solve. questions are: 5.3 b,c 5.4 b,d 5.5 5.7 a 5.9 a,e,f 5.11 ---------------------------------------------------- I HAVE AN OLD EDITION OF THE BOOK THAT HAS DIFFERENT QUESTIONS BUT SAME MATERIAL I tried to upload it but your website keeps giving me errors due to the size of the pdf file deadline is 16 hours from now

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