Reference no: EM131845411
Precautionary saving, non-lump-sum taxation, and Riparian equivalence. (Leland, 1968, and Barsky, Mania, and Zeldes, 1986.) Consider an individual who lives for two periods. The individual has no initial wealth and earns labor incomes of amounts Y1 and Y2 in the two periods. Y1 is known, but Y2 is random; assume for simplicity that E[Y2] = Y1. The government taxes income at rate τ1 in period 1 and τ2 in period 2. The individual can borrow and lend at a fixed interest rate, which for simplicity is assumed to be zero. Thus second-period consumption is C2 = (1- τ1) Y1 - C1 + (1 - τ2) Y2. The individual chooses C1 to maximize expected lifetime utility U(C1) + E[U(C2)]
(a) Find the first-order condition for C1.
(b) Show that E[C2] = C1 if Y2 is not random or if utility is quadratic.
(c) Show that if U (•) > 0 and Y2 is random, E[C2] > C1.
(d) Suppose that the government marginally lowers τ1 and raises τ2 by the same amount, so that its expected total revenue, τ1Y1 + τ2 E[Y2], is unchanged. Implicitly differentiate the first-order condition in part (a) to find an expression for how C1 responds to this change.
(e) Show that C1 is unaffected by this change if Y2 is not random or if utility is quadratic.
(f) Show that C1 increases in response to this change if U (•) > 0 and Y2 is random.