Find the entities from the functional requirements

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM1366844

University XYZ needs a database that keeps track of students, what classes they taken and the grades for each of the classes. In addition, they need to know what instructors are on staff and the courses they are approved to teach. It is necessary to track rooms for each campus including capacities as well as special facilities for each room.

Another tool used to infer the conceptual model are the end user's forms. The form below will help you identify the entities and relationships.

# Determine the entities from the functional requirements.

* Entities can come from Nouns in the text, they may also come from forms, reports and legacy code
You must identify at least 4 entities
* Open Visio, Use the Database Model Diagram Template
* Draw an Entity for each entity you identified
* In Definition add a Physical Name

# For Each of the entities identify attributes

* Select Columns and add attribute names

# Using the Crow's feet, determine and draw relationships between the entities. (Typically verbs in sentences will identify these)

Reference no: EM1366844

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Database Management System Questions & Answers

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Find the average number of books borrowed per member. Take into account that if a member does not borrow any books, then that member does not appear in the borrowed relation at all.

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Can Oracle have multiple group functions in the same SELECT list of query (i.e can we do a COUNT and AVG)? Let us assume we wanted to find lowest, highest, average.

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  Create an e-r diagram

You have probably seen that already when you tried to create an E-R diagram. Visio uses notation and graphical shapes that are not the same as those in your text. If you look at some of the links to schemas, you will see a similar sort of thing.

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Consider a relation schema r(A,B,C,D,E, F) and a set of functional dependencies {A BCD,BCDE,BD,DA}.  Determine whether or not (A,E, F) is in BCNF and justify your answer. If (A,E, F) is not in BCNF,find a BCNF decomposition of it.

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How many entities are shown by this relation?

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