Reference no: EM131444807
Question 1 (a) For following Digital image as shown in Fig.(2),
find (i) Negative of the image
(ii) Bit plane slicing
(iii) Perform contrast modification as per the characteristics given in fig 1
(iv) Draw histogram of new image
b) Find DFT of the following image
(c) Given set of points use Hough transform to join these points
A( 1, 4), B(2,3) , C(3,1) , D(4,1) , E(5,0)
Question 2 (a) Consider the following image
(i) Perform Low Pass Filtering
(ii) Perform Median Filtering
(iii) Find High pass fitered output,
(iv) compare result in(i) and (ii).
(b) The input image and structuring element is as shown in the figtire Perform region filling Operation
Question 3 (a) Using Graph Theoretic approach, find the edge corresponding to the minimum cost path
(b) Segment the following image using region split and merge technique. Draw quad tree representation for the eorrespondiflg segmentation.