Find the directional derivative

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131574768

Problem 1:

The following system of

x + y + 2z = 3

x + 2y + 3z = 6

x + 4y + kz = 12

has unique solution. The only possible value(s) of k is/are -

Problem 2:

The number of linearly independent Eigen vectors of

[a   b]

[0   a]


Problem 3:

Probability that the divisors of 610 is a multiple of 66 is

Problem 4:

What would be the expectation of the number of successes preceeding the first failure in an infinite series of independent trials with constant probability of success p = 0.4

Problem 5:

A Variate X has the following distribution

         X:    0     1    2     3 

  P(X = x):1/3   1/6  1/3   1/6

The E [2x +3)2 is

Problem 6:

What will be the value of y(0.04), from the differential equation dy/dx + 4 = 0 with 4(0) = 1, h = 0.04, by Runge-Kutta Method.

Problem 7:

A real root of equation cos x = 4x - 1 correct to seven decimal places by method of successive approximation is

Problem 8 :

The number of linearly independent Eigen vectors of

[a   b]

[0   a]


Problem 9:

The solution of differential equation

dy/dx + y/x = x2 with y(1) = 1


Problem 10:

The general solution of

(xexy + 2y)dy + yexydx = 0


Problem 11:


f(x) = -x2, x ≤ 0

      = 5x -4,0 < x ≤ 1

      = 4x2 -3x, 1 < x < 2

      = 3x + 4,x ≥ 2

then f(x) is discontinuous at x =

Problem 12:

Find the directional derivative of

f(x, y, z) = x2yz + 4xz2

at (1, -2, -1) along 2i^ -j^ - 2k^.

Problem 13:

∫√x2 -a2dx is

Problem 14:

I = 0Π0acosθ rdrdθ is

Problem 15:

Find c of Rolle‘s Theorem for

f(x) = ex sinx in [0, Π]

Reference no: EM131574768

Questions Cloud

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Develop a details implementation plan : You are required to address 4 of the 5 minor bullets under "Develop a Details Implementation Plan" below, and 2 of the 3 major bullets .
Find the directional derivative : What would be the expectation of the number of successes preceeding the first failure in an infinite series of independent trials with constant probability
Why ethical practice and behavior are critical to discipline : Analyze how and why ethical practices and behaviors are critical to your discipline and to the success of organizations.
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