Find the differential coefficient of the equations

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131096728

Task 1 :

A. Using the basic rules of calculus find the differential coefficient of the following equations:

i.  y = 12/x3 + 4x - 9

ii. y = 6Sin2θ + 2Cos3θ

iii. y = 2e-5x + 4ln9x + 12

iv. y = 4x3 - 6e-3x + 2Cos 5x

B. Using the basic rules of calculus Integrate the following:

i. ∫(3x2 + 4x)dx

ii. ∫4Cos2θ - 3 Sin2θ.dθ

iii. ∫3e5x + 2/3x dx

Reference no: EM131096728

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