Find the difference in profit-maximizing price

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM1372120

Explain why is advertising prevalent in many oligopolies, especially when industry demand is inelastic and illustrate your answer by supposing that with advertising, a company demand curve has price elasticity of -1.5 and without advertising, it is -2. If MC is $10, what is the difference in the profit-maximizing price?

Reference no: EM1372120

Questions Cloud

Determine effect on the economic variable : For each policy or event given below, please indicate if it will increase (+), decrease (-), or it is uncertain (+/-) how it will affect the economic variable on right-hand side.
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Provide dfa-s accepting the languages over alphabet : Provide DFA's accepting the following languages over alphabet {0,1}. Set of all strings that, when interpreted as the binary integer, is a multiple of 5.
Several theoretical perspectives : You can look at sports from several theoretical perspectives including conflict, functionalist, interactionist, and feminist. Which of these is most useful in looking at the sociology of sports? Why?
Find the difference in profit-maximizing price : Explain why is advertising prevalent in many oligopolies, especially when industry demand is inelastic and illustrate your answer by supposing that with advertising, a company demand curve has price elasticity of -1.5 and without advertising,
Ways of approaching truth : How to Identified different ways of seeking knowledge and truth; Please clearly explained. How a biblical christian worldview and different techniques of knowing are compatible and why discussed from the biblical christian worldview.
Economies of scale or diseconomies of scale : Describe any two causes of economies of scale or diseconomies of scale. How is the U shape of long run ATC different from U shape of the short run ATC
Childhood stories : Pick one of your favorite childhood stories and explain how the story shows examples of conceptions (ecological knowledge), connections (solidarity of community ties), and contestations (political strategy).
Choosing numbers of workers : Ms. Smith, owner and manager of the Clear Duplicating Service located near a major university, is contemplating keeping her shop open after 4 pm.


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