Reference no: EM131370637
Use the probability distribution in givnen problem to find the expected number of shipment orders per day. What is the probability that on a given day there will be more orders than the average?
The number of intercity shipment orders arriving daily at a transportation company is a random variable X with the following probability distribution:
a. Verify that P(x) is a probability distribution.
b. Find the cumulative probability function of X.
c. Use the cumulative probability function computed in (b) to find the probability that anywhere from one to four shipment orders will arrive on a given day.
d. When more than three orders arrive on a given day, the company incurs additional costs due to the need to hire extra drivers and loaders. What is the probability that extra costs will be incurred on a given day?
e. Assuming that the numbers of orders arriving on different days are independent of each other, what is the probability that no orders will be received over a period of five working days?
f. Again assuming independence of orders on different days, what is the probability that extra costs will be incurred two days in a row?
Levels of invasion of the body by fungi
: Define mycosis and describe the levels of invasion of the body by fungi. Explain what factors could cause opportunistic mycoses to be a growing medical problem. (in 3-5 well-developed paragraphs or a start).
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: Demonstrates application and comprehension of the scientific principles. Displays competence in applying scientific knowledge to your personal or professional life.
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Find the cumulative probability function of x
: Use the cumulative probability function computed in (b) to find the probability that anywhere from one to four shipment orders will arrive on a given day.
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