Find the count for a particular boy name or girl name

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131651437

Programming Assignment

Located on the Instructor drive in the I:\kopp\outbox\CS 222 01\Program Assignments folder are two text files: boys.txt and girls.txt. Use these files to write a program to do the following:

• Create a dictionary from the boys.txt file that uses the boys' names as the key and the number of boys that were named that name as the value. The names and counts are delimited by a comma.

• Create a dictionary from the girls.txt file that uses the girls' names as the key and the number of girls that were named that name as the value. The names and counts are delimited by a comma.

• Create a menu that contains the following choices:

o Add a name and count for either a boy or girl
o Delete a name and count for either a boy or girl
o Find the count for a particular boy name or girl name
o Find the boy name with the highest count
o Find the girl name with the highest count
o Quit the program

Use methods where appropriate. Use descriptive identifier names. Use comments to describe each method.


Program Description: You write a short description of what the program will do

When you complete the program, do the following.

1. Create a folder with the following name: ProgramAssignment01
2. Copy your program and all appropriate files to this folder
3. Copy the folder to your folder in the I:\kopp\inbox\CS 222 01 folder.

Reference no: EM131651437

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