Find the continuous time equivalents

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM132388950

Question 1

Consider a non-dividend paying stock subject to risk-free force of interest, r = 0.05 as well as volatility, σ = 0.2 and time horizon three months, i.e., T = 1/4 for a stock with current price S0 = $45. Recall that

dSt = St(rdt + σdBt)              (1)

where {Bt}t≥0 is standard Brownian motion. Furthermore, recall that Brownian motion is Gaussian with mean 0 and variance t. That is,

Bt ~ N(0, t)           (2)

for each t fixed, 0 ≤ t ≤ T. It follows that we can exploit this normality, thus leading to the discretisation

Sti - Sti-1 = Sti-1, (rΔt + σ∈√Δt) (3)

for Δt = ti, - ti-1 where we assume that ∈ is a random draw from standard Gaussian distribution, i.e.

∈ ~ N(0, 1)

Given our time horizon of 3 months, we would like to simulate prices for Δt = 0.01, we simulate iteratively. In other words, after the first time period, we get that

St1 - S0 = S0(rΔt + σ∈√Δt) (5)

Where we repeat until the final time step, T = 0.25. Your task is to simulate 100 such sample paths.

Question 2

Given the simulated sample paths from the previous question,

1. Find prices of European call options for strike prices, X = $40, $45, $50 (Note that the payoff of each sample path is max{ST(i) - X, 0); 1, 2,...,100 (6)
Then take the discounted average of these. )

2. Find the continuous time equivalents for these calls, i.e. Black Scholes.

Recall that the formula for this is

C = SoN.(d1)- Xe-rt N(d2) (7)


d1 = (ln (S0/X) + (r + σ2/2)T)/σ√T ; d2 = d1 - σ√T
What do you notice!

3. Given the same simulated sample paths calculate the price of put options for strikes X = $40, $45, $50.

4. Next, use put-call parity, i.e.
P = C-So + Xe-rT

derive the prices, F, given the simulated call prices from item 1.

Question 3

Given your simulated stock price sample paths, calculate the following:

1. Straddle options for strike prices, X = $40, $45, $50
2. Covered call options for the same strikes.

Reference no: EM132388950

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