Find the consistency and elegance

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131097616


1. UNIX is highly portable. What is portability? What makes UNIX so portable? Why is portability so important?

2. Why do you suppose professional programmers find the consistency and elegance of UNIX so appealing?


1. How do you suppose a closed platform helped Apple maintain the Macintosh's user friendly interface?

2. How does a closed platform help to explain the Macintosh's limited market success?

Reference no: EM131097616

Questions Cloud

Making economic or financial investment : Suppose that the city of New York issues bonds to raise money to pay for a new tunnel linking New Jersey and Manhattan. An investor named Susan buys one of the bonds on the same day that the city of New York pays a contractor for completing the first..
Characterize the page-fault rate : When a process ?rst starts execution, how would you characterize the page-fault rate? Once the working set for a process is loaded into memory, how would you characterize the page-fault rate?
Discussed the case of nation experiencing capital flight : In class, we discussed the case of a nation experiencing capital flight. Let's imagine the world contains only two nations and that one of them is experiencing capital flight. In the diagram, below trace out the effect of this capital flight on the o..
Exceed that from the non-indexed consols : Mr. Darcy is a single man of good fortune, so good, in fact, that it allows him to sustain a lavish lifestyle simply on the interest he earns on his savings without ever having to work. What is Mr. Darcy’s nominal wealth at the end of each the next t..
Find the consistency and elegance : 1. UNIX is highly portable. What is portability? What makes UNIX so portable? Why is portability so important? 2. Why do you suppose professional programmers find the consistency and elegance of UNIX so appealing?
Monopsonist faces labor supply curve : A monopsonist faces a labor supply curve given by LS = −300 + 0.01w , where w is the annual salary. What is the lowest salary the firm can pay yet still induce one worker to want to work for the firm? What is lowest salary the firm must pay to induce..
Find the monopoly price-quantity and total profits : Two organic emu ranchers, Bill and Ted, serve a small metropolitan market. Bill and Ted are Cournot competitors, making a conscious decision each year regarding how many emus to breed. Find the monopoly price, quantity, total profits, and consumer su..
What is paging : 1) Compare and contrast logical and physical addresses and address space. 2) What is paging? What are its advantages? Disadvantages? 3) Describe the page replacement process.
System is starting to thrash : Consider all the work the kernel has to do to map virtual to paging and all of the paging maintenance.... why do we say it is easier to create a thread than a process? What does it mean when you say a system is starting to thrash?


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