Find the change in social surplus

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133130046


Suppose we have the following demand and supply functions (taken from Assignment #2). 

HOME:           Demand           P = 100 - ½ Q    Supply         P = ½ Q

FOREIGN      Demand           P = 200 - 2 Q     Supply         P = ¼ Q

1: Two-country model with IMPORT TARIFFS: use the functions above 

a) Calculate the free trade world price and the quantity traded.  Also find CS, PS, and SS for each country in free trade. 

2: Two-country model with IMPORT TARIFFS: use the functions above 

a) Suppose the importer imposes an import tax of $4 per unit.  Calculate the new equilibrium world price.  What are Home's and Foreign's domestic prices? Hint:  use the ED = ES where ED is adjusted for the tariff τ to solve for Pw as a function of the import tariff.

b) Show that the tariff lowers (CS + PS).

c) Find the change in Social Surplus in each country. Recall that import tariffs revenue need to be included in social surplus (EG: SS = CS + PS + revenue).  Compare the change in (CS + PS) relative to the revenues generated.

d) Does the importer gain from the tariff.  Does the exporter? Show and explain fully. Give the intuition.

3: Two-country model with EXPORT TARIFFS:  use the functions above and start in free trade equilibrium. 

a) Suppose the exporter imposes an export tax of $4 per unit.  Assume the importer does not impose any tariffs.  Calculate the new equilibrium world price.  What are the tariff-ridden domestic prices? 

b) Find the change in Social Surplus in each country.  Recall that import tariffs revenue need to be included in social surplus (EG: SS = CS + PS + revenue). Compare the change in (CS + PS) relative to the revenues generated.

c) Does the importer gain from the tariff.  Does the exporter? Show and explain fully. Contrast with the importer's tariff.

4: NASH EQUILIBRIUM TARIFFS: use the functions above. 

a) Find the Nash Equilibrium in Tariffs (τim , τex). If you use a spreadsheet, show that any deviation from the optimal import tariff lowers welfare for the country.

Reference no: EM133130046

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