Find the bric countries

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133257383

find the BRIC countries (that is Brazil, Russia, India and China). BRIC countries are part of the world's emerging economies responsible for 43% of the word's GDP. Go to the 'Workers rights' section and find the subcategories there (i) freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining (ii) Prohibition on forced or compulsory labor (iii) prohibition on child labor and minimum wage for employment and (iv) Discrimination with respect to employment and occupation.

make a table attached about some of the key highlights you find in terms of variations among the above four categories among the four countries. In the report (write-up) make a summary of the key variations (similarities and contrasts) you see on the above four sub-categories along with trying to interpret some of the subtle nuances (variations) as depicted in the country reports for some of the problems you see in the above four sub-categories for these countries and why these could be problems according to you with very brief justification.


Reference no: EM133257383

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