Reference no: EM131773549
Please thoroughly answer the following questions. The responses should total no fewer than two pages.
1. Define Black Friday and the history behind it.
2. What is Cyber Monday?
3. Find the best example you can find of Black Friday promotion. Put a screen grab of it in your paper. What made you choose this specific promotion.
4. For a small, local retailer that can’t compete on price, what marketing ideas do you have to help them increase sales on Black Friday (and it cannot be lowest price).
5. What do you see as the major differences between Black Friday and Cyber Monday (aside from Cyber Monday being online)? Are the products on sale different? Which day offers the better deals? When do you tend to shop more?
6. In marketing we know perception is often reality. Do you think the hype of Black Friday is more about the perception than the actual savings? Why?
7. Much of the hype for Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes from the traditional media and social media. With this in mind, what ideas do you have to help a retailer promote their Black Friday sales? How would they promote Cyber Monday differently? What types of opinion leaders would you recommend retailers target to help spread the word?
8. What is the most unusual product or service you can find being promoted for Black Friday or Cyber Monday? (For example — but you can’t use this — cruise companies are offering reduced rates if you book on Black Friday. This isn’t something you would typically think about purchasing on Black Friday).