Find suitable labels for the extracted factors

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM132687121

Problem set


Please use the data attached to tackle the case of "Customer Satisfaction at Harver & Boecker." Please answer the following questions:

1. Using regression analysis, locate those variables that best explain the customers' overall satisfaction. Evaluate the model fit and assess the impact of each variable on the criterion variable. Remember to use collinearity diagnostics.

2. Determine the factors that characterize the respondents by means of a factor analysis. Consider the following issues:
(a) are FA assumptions met?
(b) how many factors should be extracted?
(c) try to find suitable labels for the extracted factors (variable names are on page 270).
(d) evaluate the solution's goodness-of-fit.

3. Use the factor scores and regress the customers' overall satisfaction (overall) on these.

Textbook: Mooi, E., Sarstedt, M., and Mooi-Reci, I. (2018). A Concise Guide to Market Research, 1st edition. Springer ISBN: 978-981-10-5218-7

Reference no: EM132687121

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