Find spne of the game using backward induction

Assignment Help Game Theory
Reference no: EM131086296

Econ 521 - Week 9:

1. Bargaining with two-period deadline - Suppose that the players alternate proposals, one per "period", and that each player i regards the outcome in which she receives all of the pie after t periods of delay as equivalent to the outcome in which she receives the fraction δit of the pie immediately, where 0 < δi < 1 for i = 1, 2. That is, suppose that each player i "discounts" the future using the constant discount factor δi. Consider the game in which 2 periods are possible: If player 2 rejects player 1s initial proposal, player 2 can make a counterproposal which, if rejected by player 1, ends the game with payoffs 0 for each player. Find SPNE of the game using backward induction. What if δ2 increases? What if δ1 increases? Explain the intuition of this.

2. Two period bargaining with constant cost of delay - Find the Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium of the variant of the game above in which player i's payoff when she accepts the proposal in period 2 is yi - ci, where 0 < ci < 1 (rather than δiyi), and her payoff to any terminal history that ends in rejection is ci (rather than 0), for i = 1, 2. (Payoffs may be negative but a proposal must still be a pair of nonnegative numbers.)

3. Three period bargaining with constant cost of delay - Find the Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium of the variant of the game in the exercise above in which the game may last for three periods, and the cost to each player i of each period of delay is ci. (Treat the cases c1 ≥ c2 and c1 < c2 seperately.)

Reference no: EM131086296

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Game Theory Questions & Answers

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Pertaining to the matrix need simple and short answers, Find  (a) the strategies of the firm (b) where will the firm end up in the matrix equilibrium (c) whether the firm face the prisoner’s dilemma.

  Nash equilibria

Consider the two-period repeated game in which this stage game is played twice and the repeated-game payo s are simply the sum of the payo s in each of the two periods.

  Find the nash equilibrium

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  Construct the payoff matrix for the game

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  Question about nash equilibrium

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  Finding the nash equilibrium

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