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Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13945334

Need help finding research for my project and help to fix my outline.

1) History of Hypermedia

- The founder

- Why it was created

- How to use it

2) The use of hypermedia in schools

- How are done

3) The positive influence of using hypermedia for teaching history or business

- Research for positive

4) The problems of using hypermedia

- research against it

5) Websites showing examples of multimedia and hypermedia work for history

- Example 1

- Exampe 2

- Ect..

6) ........

Research on hypermedia application in a content specific area.
Find several research articles, papers, presentations, online materials etc that is related to the use/application of hypermedia in the content area of your interest. Your research has to be thorough and exhaustive something that you would do to write a literature review for a dissertation topic.

Based on your research, you will then create a hypermedia game or presentation focusing on use of hypermedia as knowledge presentation tool. All the information that you have found via your intense research will then be presented in the form of hypermedia. We will use the software "PowerPoint" to present your research.

Reference no: EM13945334

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