Reference no: EM132311705
Topic: Testing to Find Relationships Among Many Variables
Introduction - Both multiple regression and logistic regression testing are used to evaluate the relative predictive contribution of each of several independent variables on a dependent variable. When the researcher, using common sense and evidence from the literature, selects a narrow set of independent variables that she or he believes are important or useful in predicting an outcome (dependent variable), it is said that a predictive model is being created to explain the phenomena being studied.
Preparation - You are encouraged to review the multiple and logistic regression materials. Then, review How to Choose a Statistical Test and the test-selection in the Resources to determine which test is most likely to be appropriate for your data type.
Instructions - Using SPSS and the Framingham study data set, perform and interpret statistical tests that answer the following research questions. Then, provide a written analysis of your results.
- Demonstrate how baseline BMI, age, and gender (variables: bmi1, age1, sex1) can be used to predict baseline glucose (variable: glucose1).
- How do baseline glucose, cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, and BMI (variables: glucose1, totchol1, sysbp1, and bmi1) affect the likelihood that a participant will have coronary heart disease by the time of the third examination (variable: prevchd3)?
Your analysis should be 2 pages in length, not including the title page and references page. Format your analysis using APA style.
Perform the appropriate statistical tests (based on the assumption test). Provide your rationale for test selection.
Interpret the results of your statistical tests for each research question. Consider associated caveats and limitations.
Determine the practical, public health-related implications of your statistical tests. What evidence do you have that validates your conclusions?
Explain how either multiple or logistic regression statistical techniques might be used to understand a complex system in public health. Provide a 2-paragraph explanation, with four supporting references.
Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.
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