Find out which data from database to archive

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM1371821

The DBA asks for your help in planning the data archive for the following Premiere Products database:

Rep (RepNum, LastName, FirstName, Street, City, State, Zip, Commission, Rate)
Customer (CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City,
State, Zip, Balance, CreditLimit, RepNum)
Orders (OrderNum, OrderDate, CustomerNum)
OrderLine (OrderNum, PartNum, NumOrdered, QuotedPrice)
Part (PartNum, Description, OnHand, Class, Warehouse, Price)

Determine which data from the database to archive; that is, for each table, specify whether data needs to be archived. If it does, specify which data, when it should be archived, and whether it should be archived with data from another table.

Reference no: EM1371821

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