Find out the magnetic induction at a point

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM134772


An object floats with half its volume beneath the surface of the water. The weight of the displaced water is 2000 N. What is weight of the object?

A) 1000 N

B) 2000 N

C) 4000 N

D) Impossible to decide without more information


1.A long cylinder carries a charge density that is proportional to the distance from the axis p=kr, for some constant k. find the electric field inside this cylinder

2. Find out the magnetic induction at a point p along the axis of a closely wound circular coil of N turns and a distant y from the plane of the coil.

3. A charge is distributed consistently along a straight line of finite length that for two external points near the midpoint, such that r1 and r2 are small compared to the potential v is the same as for an infinite line charge.

Reference no: EM134772

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