Find out the internal schema of the above database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13852130


A sample of instance records of the Database model of the furniture company which is represented by four tables: 1. Customer; 2. Order; 3. Order line; 4. Product. All the entities of the furniture company database are illustrated in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4.


I. Find out the internal schema of the above database (i.e., data type of each attributes in each type)

II. Draw a simple Entity Relationship Diagram ERD of the above database in entity format

III. Redraw Entity Relationship Diagram ERD of the above database in a relational format (conceptual schema)

IV. Find out the expected external schema for the above database.

V. If the above database system inserted in your firm's network, please draw the layout of that network of 3-tier client-server architecture, and then explain advantages of that architecture.

Table 1: Customer

Table 2: Order

Table 3: Order Line

  Table 4: Product


Reference no: EM13852130

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