Reference no: EM132812938
Question 1
Find the number of active users (1 Day, 7 Day, 14 Day, and 28 Day) during July 2020. Calculate the ratio of 1 Day Active Users to 28 Day Active Users, expressed as a percentage. Typically, this ratio is considered a measure of the "stickiness" or retention of users for your website. It should be 10% or higher for sites where content is refreshed daily, like news sites, or where the site derives its revenue primarily from advertising. For social sites like Facebook and WhatsApp, the ratio could be a lot higher (>50%). For Ecommerce sites like CompanyOne, where usage is less frequent but of higher monetary value, the ratio is typically lower than 10%.
Also, compare the graphs for 1 Day Active Users to 28 Day Active Users. What conclusions can you derive? Please provide a screenshot to support your analysis.
Note: Active Users refers to the number of users who visited the CompanyOne website within the last 1, 7, 14 or 28 days looking back from the last day of the period which in this case is July 31, 2020.
The metrics in the report are relative to the last day in the date range. Given that your date range is July 1 to July 31:
1 Day Active Users: the number of unique users who initiated sessions on your site or app on July 31 (the last day of your date range).
7 Day Active Users: the number of unique users who initiated sessions on your site or app from July 25 through July 31 (the last 7 days of your date range).
14 Day Active Users: the number of unique users who initiated sessions on your site or app from July 18 through July 31 (the last 14 days of your date range).
28 Day Active Users: the number of unique users who initiated sessions on your site or app from July 4 through July 31 (the entire 28 days of your date range).