Find out the angular velocity

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM133967


Water has a specific heat capacity of 4186 J/kg °C. A tank contains 500 kg of water at 10.0°C. The water is heated up to a temperature of 90.0°C. If electricity costs $0.100 per kilowatt-hour, then what is charge of heating the water?


A ring of radius R, charge Q and mass M is spinning around its symmetry axis. The ring sits on a horizontal frictionless surface. A uniform outside magnetic field of strength B is parallel to the plane of the ring. Find out the angular velocity at which there is zero normal force between one edge of ring and surface.


Compute molar volume for 3-methylhexane at p=3000psia and T=60F given that the critical pressure and critical temperature for 3-methylhexcane are 408.1psia and 503.8F respectively. (Show all steps).

Reference no: EM133967

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