Find out an angular momentum of the system

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM134344


Two gerbils run in place with a linear speed of 0.60 on an exercise wheel that is twisted like a hoop. Find out an angular momentum of the system if each gerbil has a mass of 0.22 and exercise wheel has a radius of 7.5 and a mass of 6.0


If an arm is 4.25m long and pivots about one end, at what angular speed (in rpm) must it spin so that an acceleration of lander is the same as the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of Europa? The mass of Europa is 4.8 times 10^ (22) Kg and its diameter is 3138 km.


A 200g granite cube slides down a 45 degree frictionless ramp. At bottom, just as it exits onto a horizontal table, it collides with a 300g steel cube at rest. How high above table must granite cube be released to give the steel cube a speed of 2 m/s?

Reference no: EM134344

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