Find number of routers the university require to connect

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM1372361

Suppose you are the network manager for Central University, a medium-size university with 13,000 students. The university has 10 separate colleges (e.g., business, arts, journalism), 3 of which are relatively large (300 faculty and staff members, 2,000 students, and 3 buildings) and 7 of which are relatively small (200 faculty and staff, 1000 students, and 1 building). In addition, there are another 2,000 staff members who work in various administration departments (e.g library, maintenance, finance) spread over another 10 buildings. There are 4 residence halls that house a total of 2,000 students. Suppose the university has the address range on the Internet.

Your solution should be based on: IPv4 classful addressing and the NAT protocol. Your task is to plan and design the university network so that:

- The maximum number of host ID is optimized
- The solution takes into account the expected growth of the university.

You will need to:

1. Determine the number of routers the university will need to connect all its buildings to the internet (including the main router of the university).
2. Draw a small diagram describing the configuration you are suggesting.
3. For each router give the appropriate mask, as well as number of subnets that router serves.
4. You must support your design choices.

Reference no: EM1372361

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