Find minimum number of year your firm must operate equipment

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131506362

Question: Your company has purchased equipment (for $50,000) that will reduce materials and labor costs by $14,000 each year for N years. After N years, there will be no further need for the machine, and because the machine is specially designed, it will have no MV at any time. The IRS, however, has ruled that you must depreciate the equipment on a SL basis with a tax life of five years. If the effective income tax rate is 40%, what is the minimum number of years your firm must operate the equipment to earn 10% per year after taxes on its investment?

Reference no: EM131506362

Questions Cloud

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Find minimum number of year your firm must operate equipment : Your company has purchased equipment (for $50,000) that will reduce materials and labor costs by $14,000 each year for N years.
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Estimate mv of depreciable property : The following information is for a proposed project that will provide the capability to produce a specialized product estimated to have a short market (sales).


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