Find intervention effect

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131643049


1. You will have to run 3 logistic regressions.

RUNNING 3 LOGISTIC Regressions -

  • Graduate vs all other independent variables
  • graduate stem vs all other independent variables
  • Retention vs other independent variables

Your run should include both intervention and control groups treated as independent variables in one figure and also another run as separate only intevertion only control included in independent variable to see how it looks in each different figure.

So you will have 3 figs generated for each of the 3 above comparison  two in separate one in combine (intervention+control groups).

2. Your word report needs to be clearly organized and well explained

3. There is a control group, intervention group dependent and independent variables.

4. If you're unaware of this terminology please don't take task.

5. You will have to treat data set  accordingly based on set3

6. Your purpose is to find intervention effect. (that is whether the group that got treated had effect over the group that didn't which is control)

7. You will clearly mention interpretation of each result finding

8. You will also provide with organized R code file

9. Don't just run between dependent and independent variable

10. You must also consider the context of intervention and control groups in each run

11. Each figure needs to be clearly visible appropriately labeled and follow with proper and complete interpretation

12. Deadline is very short and is must to meet it will not be extended

13. There is difference between reporting and interpreting your asked to interpret results not just to report numbers

14. If you treat the data wrong at first place anywhere in the process you will refund in full with no negotiations

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Reference no: EM131643049

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9/15/2017 2:28:19 AM

You will have to run 3 logistic regressions. Your word report needs to be clearly organized and well explained. You will also provide with organized R code file. Don't just run between dependent and independent variable. Each figure needs to be clearly visible appropriately labeled and follow with proper and complete interpretation.


9/15/2017 2:28:14 AM

A statics expert who knows programming is needed not a programmer. Don’t uptake the task if your unsure to send solutions if you have any unforeseen reasons. No errors are statistical analysis or reporting will be considered in the work you send. If you have any qnds about the task ask before you upake the task not once uptaken.


9/15/2017 2:28:09 AM

Missing any one requirment or not meeting standadrd will not be acceptable. Interpretation of resluts is not putting the numbers generated and reproting them. This is not grauate work and will not be consederd. I hope you know the difference. No errors is statistical analysis or reporting will be tolerated and will be refused for submission.

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