Reference no: EM131854312
Nutrition Journal Abstract Assignment
Step 1: Read pages 12-18 (section 1.3) in textbook.
Step 2: Choose a nutrition topic that you find interesting and that has new research findings. Then locate and read a recent (no more than 5 years) nutrition research study published in a professional scientific journal.
Examples are American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of Nursing.
Watch the POLO link a Gardens campus library website to learn how to access the CII\IAHL database and search for a research study on a nutrition topic. Click on POLO and then type in nutrition in the toolbar to find the video clip to watch.
Remember when choosing your research study. it should contain abstract. introduction. methods, results, discussion. and references sections It should be ORGINAL RESEARCH on nutrition.
DO NOT use an article which reviews previous research/information on a nutrition topic.
Step 3: Write an abstract of the study as follows :
1. Identify your reference at the top of your page, after your MLA format heading.
This will be the title of your abstract and it should be centered, single-spaced and include the following in. the format example listed below:
a. Name of author(s)
b. Title of research paper
c. Name of journal
d. Year oipubliciaton
e. Volume and page numbers
Format example: Brown, L. et al. "Cholesterol-lowering effects of dietary fiber," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2012, 69:30-42.
2. Write a 2-3 page summary of the nutrition.research study. This should be double-spaced, 12 pt font and include the following:
a. Background information on this nutrition topic-Why is the topic important?
b. Purpose of this study-What were the researchers trying to find out?
c. Methods used in this study- Describe the study design; subjects and procedures used in conducting the study.
d. Results of this study-What did the researchers find? Include statistical information that summarizes the information.
e. Conclusion- How do the researchers interpret their results? What were limitations of this study? Note: Do not copy the abstract found in the research study.
This 2-3 page summary must be written in your own words. This assignment must be word processed.
Step 4: Submit your completed assignment with a copy of the complete published study.