Find how much hotter the maximum temperature

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM132094123

Assignment -

Introduction - Recordings from the Bureau of Meteorology of the weather in Dalby have been made. Your task is to analyse the data to identify the behaviour of the weather for the period of measurements. The data is stored in the file; each file contains a month of data and is named according to the year and month of the measurements.

One of the quantities of interest is the air density, which can found using the ideal gas law: ρ = p/RT (1)

where p is the pressure, the ideal gas constant for air is R = 286.9 J/kg.K, and T is the temperature (in SI units).

Requirements - For this assessment item, you must perform hand calculations:

1. For the first 3 days and last 2 days of July 2017, find how much hotter the maximum temperature was than the minimum temperature for the same day.

2. For the first 3 days of July 2017, calculate the air density at 9:00 a.m.

3. Determine when in July the cumulative rainfall for the month exceeds 7 mm.

You must also produce MATLAB code, stored as m-file(s), which:

4. Repeats the calculation of Requirement 1 by creating vectors in MATLAB and typing/copying the values from the spreadsheet into the vectors. Verifies the answers, including a report printed to the Command Window regarding the outcome of the verification (merely displaying values in the Command Window will not earn any marks for verification).

5. Successfully loads 'Dalby 2017-7.csv' into MATLAB (the numbers are not to appear in MATLAB code via copy-and-paste!). One possible way of loading the data is using MATLAB's Import Data wizard. If you use MATLAB's Import Data wizard, you must use the "Generate Function" option, otherwise your code will not work on another computer, Codes which load an edited version of 'Dalby 2017-7.csv' to that supplied will not receive maximum marks. Verifies that the load has been successful by using MATLAB to compare the values of minimum and maximum temperature to those manually entered in Requirement 4.

6. Repeats the calculation of Requirement 1 for the entire month using the data loaded from Requirement 5. Verifies the answers by checking the results from Requirement 5 with the relevant days.

7. Plots the maximum and minimum temperatures along with the results from Requirement 6 for each day on the same graph. The dates should be represented in some manner on the x-axis; for maximum marks, these should appear in standard date format (e.g. \15/7").

8. *Calculates the air density at 9:00 a.m. each day for the entire month using a for-loop.

9. Verifies the answers from Requirement 8 by comparing the relevant days with the answers from Requirement 2.

10. **Repeats the calculation of Requirement 8 using a fully-vectorised code (i.e. no loops for this calculation). Verifies the answers with those from Requirement 8.

11. Plots the result from either Requirement 8 or Requirement 10.

12. ***Uses a while-loop to determine when the cumulative rainfall for the month exceeds 7 mm and reports the answer to the Command Window. Also verifies this answer with Requirement 3.

13. ***Calculates when the cumulative rainfall for the month exceeds 7 mm using a fully-vectorised code (i.e. no loops for this calculation). Verifies this answer with Requirement 3.

14. *Produces an ASCII file containing two columns: date and density. An acceptable answer would store the date as just the day of the month (you do not need to include the month). For top marks, the date and month must be stored in a conventional format.

15. ***Loads all 12 months' worth of data. Determines the minimum and maximum temperatures for the entire period. Plots the minimum and maximum temperature for the entire 12 months with the x-axis each day of the 12 months in order. Also produces two 3-D surface plots with the date of the month on one axis (go up to 28), the month on another axis, and the maximum temperature for the day as the third axis. The first surface plot should only be for the data from 2017; the second should be for all the data in sequence. To get both date and month in ascending order, use a 3-D rotation or the view command.

The projected difficulty of a Requirement is indicated by the number of * at the start. All students are expected to be able to complete Requirements which do not have an *.

You will be assessed on the quality of your appropriate usage of functions. Simply splitting the code into different les to artificially create functions is not worth any marks (this reduces the quality of the code): there should be a logical usage of functions to improve the transparency and reusability of the code.

You must submit pseudocode for Requirement 8.

There is a lot of verification involved in this assignment. This is to help you: by checking your answers, you know if what you are doing is correct (you should never trust the answer supplied by a computer!).

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132094123

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