Find how long will alex take for him to pay off the loan

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13328479

Alex Karev has taken out a $180,000 loan with an annual rate of 8 percent compounded monthly to pay off hospital bills from his wife Izzy's illness. If the most Alex can afford to pay is $3,500 per month, how long will it take to pay off the loan? How long will it take for him to pay off the loan if he can pay $4,000 per month? Use five decimal places for the monthly percentage rate in your calculations

If Alex can pay, the number of years it takes for him to pay off the loan is?

Reference no: EM13328479

Questions Cloud

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Find how long will alex take for him to pay off the loan : Alex Karev has taken out a $180,000 loan with an annual rate of 8 percent compounded monthly to pay off hospital bills from his wife Izzy's illness. If the most Alex can afford to pay is $3,500 per month,
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