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Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132824674

1. E-learning programmes are MOST useful and effective when:

A. the trainees are older workers who do not like to learn in a classroom environment.

B. trainees are provided with incentives to learn and the majority of the learners are older employees.

C. trainees are provided with incentives to learn and are comfortable working on a computer.

D. the trainees all work in the same department.

2. Which of the following is MOST ACCURATE?

A. Off-the-job training can cause problems with transfer of learning

B. On-the-job training is the most expensive method of training

C. Off-the-job training is the cheapest method of training

D. On-the-job training is most suitable for high-risk jobs

3. The purpose of a performance appraisal discussion is to:

A. provide counselling to employees whose performance is not satisfactory.

B. negotiate future goals and establish action plans for achieving them.

C. give feedback to employees on their past performance.

D. All of the above.

4. The MAIN REASON for having a 360 degree appraisal system is:

A. to ensure democracy at the workplace.

B. to ensure reliable data is available on which to base an appraisal.

C. to ensure managers hold a proper appraisal discussion with their subordinates.

D. to ensure managers are not unduly fatigued by having to carry out many appraisals.

5. The KEY INFLUENCES on how much an employer pays his employees are:

A. legislation, employment conditions, unions and profitability.

B. legislation, employment conditions, unions and ownership of the organization.

C. legislation, employment conditions, unions and productivity of the organization.

D. legislation, employment conditions, profitability and competency of the HR manager in the organization.

6. Which of the following is NOT AN ADVANTAGE of introducing an alternative work schedule?

A. The schedule helps save the employer on recruitment costs

B. The schedule is attractive to workers and hence aids in retention

C. The schedule is attractive to workers and hence helps in recruitment

D. The schedule motivates previously non-working people to join the workforce

7. Which of the following benefits is NOT MANDATORY under the Employment Act?

A. Maternity leave

B. Paternity leave

C. Annual leave

D. Sick leave

8. Bonuses can be:

A. based on individual performance.

B. contractual and non-contractual.

C. based on company profits.

D. All of the above.

9. The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 requires employers with more than ____________ workers to draft a safety policy; and with more than ___________ workers to appoint a safety committee.

A. 100, 5

B. 5, 100

C. 40, 5

D. 5, 40

10. Which of the following is NOT REQUIRED to ensure workplace accidents are reduced?

A. Total commitment to accident reduction by every worker

B. Higher levels of Social Security Organization contributions

C. Total commitment to accident reduction by top management of every organization

D. Consistent enforcement of safety laws by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health

11. A job description typically includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. the job title.

B. the job location.

C. the personality of the job holder.

D. the duties required of the job holder.

12. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. A requisition form describes a job applicant's details

B. When an employee resigns, the vacancy must be filled

C. Questionnaires are not the most popular technique for conducting job analysis

D. Job analysis is a technique whereby jobs are studied to identify the skills and knowledge needed to do the jobs

13. Which of the following is the LEAST USEFUL ADVANTAGE of using information technology in human resource management?

A. Less paperwork

B. Faster processing of payroll

C. Easy retrieval of employee personal data

D. Human resource staff can conduct shopping and banking online

14. Effective job advertisements are:

A. not too long.

B. honest and attractive.

C. sufficiently detailed to ensure only qualified applicants apply.

D. All of the above

15. Which of the following statements is MOST ACCURATE?

A. HR specialists need to be master trainers

B. HR specialists rarely have to face ethical issues at work

C. HR specialists need to be numerate to understand the employer's business

D. HR specialists can delegate decisions as to which information technology (IT) systems to buy to IT specialists

16. What is the impact of increasing business competition on human resource management?

A. Employers are trying to achieve more output with lesser numbers of employees

B. Employers are less likely to establish a Human Resource Department

C. Employees enjoy employment for life with the same employer

D. Employees can choose the jobs they prefer

17. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. CVs may not provide accurate information

B. Interviews are not good predictors of performance on the job

C. Application forms are useful for collecting factual information about job applicants

D. Reference checks are more important for non-executive positions compared to executive and managerial jobs

18. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. There is no need to establish rapport in a selection interview as it is a formal event

B. There is less likelihood of bias when job applicants are interviewed by a single interviewer

C. Using a difficult-to-find venue for a selection interview is a good test of an applicant's ability to solve problems

D. An interview which increases an applicant's stress levels may persuade talented applicants to withdraw their job applications

19. Employers can ________________ to REDUCE the hiring of new workers.

A. reduce employees' working hours

B. outsource and offshore jobs

C. reduce overtime worked

D. recruit foreign workers

20. Which of the following is NOT AN EXAMPLE of flexible employment practices?

A. Paying low wages with high bonuses if the employer meets profit targets

B. Hiring employees on short-term contracts

C. Multi-skilling of employees

D. Hiring foreign labour

Reference no: EM132824674

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