Find entrepreneurial articles that focus on any aspect

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131418126 , Length: 3

Three page maximum, single spaced with three separate section headers: Overview, Key Points, Reflection (what did it mean to you, teach you, get you to think about, etc.).

Find entrepreneurial articles that focus on any aspect of marketing from honing initial concept to target market to a campaign to brand development etc. The article(s) should focus on a particular firm so you're doing a deep dive on how they are tackling start-up marketing issues. These articles can be found inWSJ, INC,

Fast Company, Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, Mashable, Mass High Tech, Boston Business Journal, Providence Business News, etc. You are also encouraged to explore the entire library of entrepreneurial podcasts available from Stanford via

Note: you must triangulate sources. A minimum of three sources is required. Data triangulation will be discussed in class.

Reference no: EM131418126

Questions Cloud

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How many would you expect to be nearsighted : A school district tests the vision of 169 incoming kindergarten children. How many would you expect to be nearsighted? With what standard deviation?
What is the probability that she never misses : Find the mean and standard deviation of the number of bull s-eyes she may get.- What's the probability that she never misses?
What is the average waiting time, the total time to be seen : What is the average waiting time, the total time to be seen and average wait time and current travel time in hospitals, nursing homes , ER, hospice, urgent care, assisted living facilities in different states in United States.
Find entrepreneurial articles that focus on any aspect : Find entrepreneurial articles that focus on any aspect of marketing from honing initial concept to target market to a campaign to brand development etc. The article(s) should focus on a particular firm so you're doing a deep dive on how they are t..
Explain the basics of a management succession plan : Assume you are the owner of a small business with which you are familiar. Outline the basics of a management succession plan for passing the business on to the individual of your choice.
Find the mean and standard deviation of the number : Find the mean and standard deviation of the number of right-handers in the group.- What's the probability that they're not all righthanded?
How much would need to be saved for the down payment : What is the estimated purchase price of the home in 5 years? How much would need to be saved for the down payment? How much would need to be saved for closing, moving, and furniture costs
Identify and describe the stages of team development : Identify and describe the stages of team development.How might stronger team skills benefit you? How might you use teamwork skills in your job? Provide specific examples.What is it like to participate in a virtual meeting, such as web-based, teleconf..


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