Find articles that might direct you in a more practical way

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Reference no: EM133510567

Assignment: Structure of the Neuron & Central Nervous System

You will focus on developing clinical partnerships.

In your text, Teaching in Nursing and the Role of the Nurse Educator, the authors examine several different types of clinical partnerships and models of clinical education. Clinical partnerships must meet the needs of the educational institution and the clinical agency. Colleges of nursing often compete for the same clinical slots and are dependent on effective clinical partnerships. Sustaining good relationships are critical to providing optimal learning experiences for students. There is typically a clinical coordinator at the college and another at the clinical agency. The nurses in these leadership positions have the primary responsibility for negotiating partnerships and determining clinical placement.

Put yourself in the place of one of these two individuals (academic or agency coordinator), whichever you prefer. Conduct research to better learn the roles, responsibilities, and challenges of the position. In addition to the book, which is fairly theoretical, find articles that might direct you in a more practical way as you negotiated clinical partnerships from either position.

Sources: You can use any of the posted articles and your books as references. Find at least two additional peer-reviewed nursing journal articles that relate to your area of focus.

Reference no: EM133510567

Questions Cloud

Client advocacy : Describe a situation in which you were involved with client advocacy.
What test was likely used to confirm diagnosis of influenza : What test was likely used to confirm the diagnosis of influenza? What differential diagnoses need to be ruled out for the patient?
What is the nurse role in client advocacy : Discuss the importance of advocacy as it pertains to client care. What is the nurse's role in client advocacy?
Discuss the concept of accountability : Discuss the concept of accountability as it relates to the delivery of nursing care to pediatric patients with recent reference.
Find articles that might direct you in a more practical way : which is fairly theoretical, find articles that might direct you in a more practical way as you negotiated clinical partnerships from either position.
Established therapy : Over this period, she has continued her established therapy, which includes 100 mg of spironolactone and 4 mg estrogen daily.
Introduction of the problem in family practice : What is the overview or introduction of the problem In family practice, how does the utilization of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
Nitroprusside as emergency measure : A 60-year-old patient with extremely high blood pressure is prescribed nitroprusside as an emergency measure.
How would things like active learning action and reflection : How would things like active learning, action and reflection, and higher level thinking influence your decisions about student placement?


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