Find articles online that define term negative externality

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131067005

Cybersecurity as an "externality", and more specifically, as a negative externality. In this week's assignment you'll explore that concept a little more in some short answer questions.

Question 1. Find two articles online that define the term "negative externality". Copy those definitions here and provide links to the articles. Don't just use a dictionary, find an article that explains the term.

Also, definition must define the entire term, it can't just be something like "an externality that extracts a cost" or something like that. In other words, the words "negative" and "externality" cannot be in the definition itself.

Question 2. Using those sources or elsewhere, found two different examples of negative externalities other than cybersecurity. Again, provide links to where you found the examples.

Question 3. Choose some cyber attack that we have read about this quarter and describe how it demonstrates that cybersecurity can be a negative externality (note that not all of the attacks we've read about will work here).

Reference no: EM131067005

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