Find article or graph that illustrates recent change in law

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Reference no: EM131534968

Assignment: Sexual Tolerance: The Times They Are A' changing

People in the United States vary widely in their acceptance of the sexual and gender choices and orientations. Recent changes in the legality of same sex marriage, the changing role of women in the military, and increasing awareness of transgender issues have highlighted how much has changed in recent months.

Choose one of these sources:

  • Find an article or graph that illustrates a recent change in law, attitude, or policy regarding sexual tolerance.
  • Joel Burns: It Gets Better (transcript located on YouTube site)

Write a 5-paragraph essay (MINIMUM 1,000 words) that introduces the topic you've chosen, summarizes the various points of view, and concludes with the current status of the issue you are addressing.  Be sure to use at least 2 citations to support your essay.

Reference no: EM131534968

Questions Cloud

What are the degrees of freedom for the variance : What is the shape of the distribution for the data in this study? What measure of central tendency is most appropriate for describing these data? Why?
Summarize the mission of the campaign : Summarize the mission of the campaign and the contribution to the field of child development. Discuss why the campaign topic is relevant to a specific age?
Does it report cash receipts from selling cash equivalents : Does a statement of cash flows report the cash payments to purchase cash equivalents? Does it report the cash receipts from selling cash equivalents?
Explain who is qualified to administer and interpret : Explain who is qualified to administer and interpret the measure and the settings-such as occupational, academic, or counseling-in.
Find article or graph that illustrates recent change in law : Find an article or graph that illustrates a recent change in law, attitude, or policy regarding sexual tolerance
Determine the net cash provided by operating activities : Determine the net cash provided or used by operating activities using the following data: net income, $74,900; decrease in accounts receivable, $4,600.
The continuum of interventions for first responders : Preparing for Extreme Stress: Is it Possible?The Four Dimensions of the Continuum of Interventions for First Responders.
What language establishes the speaker credibility or ethos : What language establishes the speaker's credibility or ethos? What does the speaker say to demonstrate honesty
Why is this gain subtracted from net income : A company reports net income of $15,000 that includes a $3,000 gain on the sale of plant assets. Why is this gain subtracted from net income in computing cash.


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