Find another loan officer to sign authorization for loan

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133441272


You're a manager in a large commercial bank. You discover that Patricia, a loan officer who reports to you, has forged an approval signature on a customer loan, which requires signatures from two loan officers. When you confront Pat with the forgery, she apologizes profusely and says that her husband has been very ill. The day she forged the signature, he was going into surgery and she just didn't have time to find another loan officer to sign the authorization for the loan. Pat has been with your bank for 15 years and has a spotless record.

How are you going to handle the situation?

Reference no: EM133441272

Questions Cloud

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Find another loan officer to sign authorization for loan : find another loan officer to sign the authorization for the loan. Pat has been with your bank for 15 years and has a spotless record.
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