Find an optimal solution to solve a linear problem

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM131025804

Matrix methods can be used to solve linear programming problems. A linear programming problem is used to find an optimal solution, subject to stated restraints.

For example, consider an accountant who prepares tax returns. Suppose a form 1040EZ requires $12 in computer resources to process and 22 minutes of the accountant's time. Assume a form 1040A takes $25 in computer resources and needs 48 minutes of the accountant's time. If the accountant can spend $630 on computer resources and has 1194 minutes available, how many forms of 1040EZ and 1040A can the accountant process?

A few more problems solved in this posting involve using Gaussian elimination method to solve system of linear equations, and using Cramers rule to solve linear equations and some other type of problems using matrices.
To see which problems specifically solved in this posting, please download the attached problems file and see the problems to have an exact idea of the problems solved in this posting.

Attachment:- Explain

Reference no: EM131025804

Questions Cloud

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