Find an example of function

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM131043143

Exercise 1 - Find an example of function f, g: R - {0} → R such that limx→0f(x) = 0, and that limx→0[gf](x) does not exist.

Exercise 2 - Let I ⊆ R be an open interval, let c ∈ I and let f: I - {c} → R be a function.

(1) Let L ∈ R. Prove that if limx→cf(x) = L, then limx→c|f(x)|=|L|.   

Theorem - Let I ⊆ R be an open interval, let c ∈ I and let f, g: I - {c} → R be functions. Suppose that limx→cf(x) exists and limx→cf(x) ≠ 0, that g(x) ≠ 0 for all x ∈ I - {c} and limx→cg(x) = 0.

1. limx→c[f/g](x) does not exist.      

2. If limx→cf(x) > 0 and g(x) > 0 for all x ∈ I - {c}, or if limx→cf(x) < 0 and g(x) < 0 for all x ∈ I - {c}, then limx→c[f/g](x) = ∞. If limx→cf(x) > 0 and g(x) < 0 for all x ∈ I - {c}, or if limx→cf(x) < 0 and g(x) > 0 for all x ∈ I - {c}, then limx→c[f/g](x) = -∞.

Reference no: EM131043143

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