Find an academic article about the teaching

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133606547

ASSIGNMENT: Find an academic article about the teaching of or methods of teaching social studies. I am including a screenshot of the rubric that I found. Read an article about teaching social studies, summarizing it, and talking about how it is important or how we can use it as teachers. I am having trouble finding an article if someone can please help me with the article and be able to address the above text for the assignment I would really appreciate it.

Reference no: EM133606547

Questions Cloud

Explore the signs and symptoms of heart failure : Now that you have explored the signs and symptoms of heart failure, what has this taught you about performing a cardiac assessment on a client?
What conclusions can you make about this document : What conclusions can you make about this document? How does it fit in the overall historical context? What is your take on Hidalgo's work, is his assessment
How will you ensure probationers rights are protected : How will you ensure probationers' rights are protected? How will you guarantee the probationer is treated with dignity and respect?
Describe how you as social worker might work with child : Children grieve differently than adults. Describe how you as social worker might work with child or teen to help them to discuss their feelings about their loss
Find an academic article about the teaching : Find an academic article about the teaching of or methods of teaching social studies. I am including a screenshot of the rubric that I found
What is the level of withdrawal this patient is experiencing : The nurse is caring for a patient with alcohol use disorder. The patient has a score of 23 on the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol.
Describe your education and career experiences : Describe your education and career experiences Describe your qualifications and expertise in a policy area using at least two examples
How aod has impacted individual lives and society as a whole : Discuss how AOD has impacted individual lives and society as a whole. This could include the effects on health, relationships, and community dynamics.
What is central problem that concerns the document writer : What is the central problem that concerns the document writer and How does the writer propose solving the central problem they identify


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