Find a simple explicit expression

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132224055

Problem 1: Sequential convergence implies Cesaro convergence, i.e. if a real sequence (xn) converges to λ then so does the sequence of arithmetic means (x‾n) where x‾n = (x1+ ....+ xn)/n. (The converse is not true in general; let xn = (-1)n.) This extends to almost sure convergence; if Xna,s A then X‾na,s A.

Try to construct an example showing this need not be the case for convergence in probability. Suppose the Xn's are independent and P(Xn = cn) = Pn and P(Xn = 0) = 1- pn, where the cn's are positive and bounded away from zero, and pn 0 as it oo. The 'right' choice of the pn allows you to find a simple explicit expression for P(X‾n ≤ ε) if ε < 1.

Problem 2:
(i) Show that the sequence an defined by (1.1.7) is also given by the single formula

an = 1 + (-1)n.1/n

(ii) If an is the nth member of the sequence (1.1.9), find a formula for an analogous to that of (i).

Problem 3: (i) Show that the sequence (1.1.9) tends to 0 as n → ∞ .
(ii) Make a table of an given by (1.1.9) for n = 75, 76, . . . , 100.

Problem 4: In Example 2.2.1, if Xi = ±3i-1 with probability 1/2 each, show that X¯ → ∞ with probability 1/2 and X¯ → -∞ with probability 1/2.

[Hint: Evaluate the smallest value that (X1 + ... + Xn)/n can take on when Xn = 3n-1.]

Problem 5: If X1, . . . , Xm and Y1, . . . , Yn are independent with common mean ξ and variances σ2 and τ2, respectively, use (2.2.1) to show that the grand mean (X1 + ... + Xm + Y1 + ... + Yn)/ (m + n) is a consistent estimator of ξ provided m + n → ∞.

Problem 6: In the standard two-way random effects model, it is assumed that

Xij = Ai + Uij (j = 1, . . . , m; i = 1, . . . , s)

with the A's and U's all independently, normally distributed with

E (Ai) = ξ, Var (Ai) = σA2 , E (Uij) = 0, Var (Uij) = σ2.

Show that X¯ = ∑∑Xij/sm is
(i) not consistent for ξ if m → ∞ and s remains fixed,
(ii) consistent for ξ if s → ∞ and m remains fixed.

Reference no: EM132224055

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